Category: Movie Review
Jimmy Savile On Netflix In 2022, Netflix released the docuseries” Jimmy Savile A British Horror Story,” a nipping disquisition of the life and crimes of Jimmy Savile, a formerly-cherished British TV personality. From Eccentric Imitator to National Treasure A Flawed Facade Jimmy Savile, known for his flamboyant tracksuits and trademark cigar, was a institution in British…
Hereditary: The Scariest Horror Movie Hereditary, the 2018 brainchild of director Ari Aster, isn’t your typical jump-scare horror flick. It’s a slow burn, a strictly drafted descent into the nipping depths of grief, domestic dysfunction, and the unsettling possibility of inherited darkness. A Family Unravels: Toni Collette Delivers a Tour-de-Force Performance. The story centers around the…